Monday, November 2, 2009

Not ready for the blog to die quite yet.

So I'm gonna keep it goin. Since our PC was attacked and killed I haven't anywhere to upload my images. Currently I'm on Cam's Mac, yet even here I cannot upload images; I have no idea why the photo's turn into numeric garble upon posting, but nonetheless I have other things on my mind to blog... so I will.

Lately Michael Ignatieff has been on my mind. Since his tough election talk my curiosity has been somewhat piqued and I have attempted to follow this cocky intellect for fear of him become Canada's next top Prime Minister. It seems this guy doesn't have much love for Canada other than what he hopes will be a passport ticket to satisfy his personal ambition. While I can of course respect personal ambition, I cannot repect it as an end for which this country will be the means. This man is not a typical Liberal in the sense that his perspective and philosophy are much more to the right than his predecesors.

Ignatieff seems to have a deep affinity with US policy and while teaching at Harvard he surprisingly supported the Bush admin, the war on terror and even the Iraq invasion! He has written "Defeating terror requires violence... indefinite detention of subjects, coercive interrogations, targeted assassinations, even pre-emptive war" ( ) and even spoken of the valuable information torture can provide. But he next natural question "but at what cost?" he has not answered. How can a country like Canada make peace with "the enemy" while at the same time torturing them? As we have seen with the current Harper government, this does not work. Afganasthan is arguably worse off now than before we were there, so why would peace-loving Canadians vote for a new PM who loves America and all that it stands for when clearly we already have one of those? I guess that's why the Iggy tough election talk eventually failed, just like his career in Canada will eventually fail. I guess there's just not enough room in one country for two Stephen Harpers.

For more interesting reading on this subject, check out this article:

*note* pls forgive the spelling and link errors, for either this Mac or is not working correctly at this time (nor is my brain)

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