Thursday, November 24, 2011

The Green Winged Teal, and a knee-jerk rant about a Psyc Today article.

Self, a concept: that's what I'm feeling about 'self' after reading this extremely succinct and insightful history of psychology's ideas of 'self'... it's just a concept, that's it. Nothing more; philosophers and psychologists can discover ideas and scrutinize our styles and differences in cognition, but when applied to the whole of a person it all falls short. It all falls down. It seems the very idea of even having a self is itself a construct. Maybe even a 'self' construct...

Some of us humans don't even struggle with this concept, people with extreme congenital problems and/or various mental handicaps whose minds never had the chance do grow or develop never even ponder one's self. Yet through history and forward great minds grapple with this friction they've conceptualized as "self"...

So where does it end? We live our whole lives learning, discovering, building, growing, moulding and developing, inventing and battling with our 'self' and then regardless of how much we know our 'self' or how disheartened we are about our 'self' knowledge, it's all just fucking over.

Do we really need this concept? Is there any use for it?? Maybe we can just 'be'?