Monday, December 19, 2011

Mennonites have an affinity with N. Korea through slave labour. And so do the russians.

kim and the mennonites. who cares if the mennonites care less about Kim Jong-Il. Mennos whent thru the same shit. Then they should be able to identify.
But do they?
Are mennonites today asking "now that il is dead, what can we do to stop the the Stalin like gulags in N Korea? Or even in russia? Shit, do they even KNOW
that russia is hosting slave camps

filled with north koreans?

I didn't know until last week, and I'm a menno my damn self. Do I care? HELL YA, but when I bring it up guess what? the subject will be changed.
I am troubled. Some call it 'white guilt'. some call it 'ocd'. some call it whatever they're brains call it and never think of it again.
maybe for the next few minutes I'll do that too....
before I die of empathy while surrounded in apathy.

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