Monday, October 25, 2010

"Fake it to make it"

Apparently this applies to laughter as well: image that always makes me laugh is this one:

That was in BC's coastal mountains north of Pemberton. We had stopped for lunch during our hike and built a makeshift bench on the edge of the steep decline where Chris continually threw rocks down. For the record, all facial reactions are real.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Wacky Mystery Bug

This slick little guy has perplexed me for a while now; he somehow has managed to elude BC's Book of Garden Bugs and I've yet to discover his identity. He lived on the leaves of the Moonshadows (a sunflower variation) I grew and has little wings tucked under his back... if you know what he is I'd be curious to know!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Some of Burnaby Lake's amazing waterfowl

Yup, some ducks even chill in trees! I'd never heard of this till I encountered the the most beautiful of all ducks: the Wood Duck.

I'm still not sure what type of Sandpipers these are, but the bathing one in the foreground has sure nailed his 'bathing backroll'.

And this relaxed male is a Green-Winged Teal... He looks kinda creepy cause I caught him drifting off for a late afternoon nap.

Monday, October 11, 2010

As one person, I feel empowered...

for this is succinctly how one person changes the world...

Crescent Beach @ sunset...

As I was walking back to my car from Blackie Spit I noticed the whole world was turning orange at a brisk pace and now is not the time to leave. I also noticed a person in a small boat who seemed to paddle around serenely as the sun quickly set. Whoever this person is, they definitely contributed to the calmness of the evening this image attempts to portray.